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Z V E Z D O L I K I ensemble

Z V E Z D O L I K I , a chamber music ensemble initially based in the norwegian church in antwerp, was founded by flautist oriana dierinck in 2009. in its programs, the ensemble combines well and less known, old and new composers and/or compositions. combined with the concerts in the norwegian church, Z V E Z D O L I K I also plays in cultural centres, on chamber music podia and classical music festivals. Z V E Z D O L I K I is named after stravinsky’s cantata (1912) for orchestra and male chorus on a text by russian symbolist poet konstantin balmont and that was dedicated to debussy. it was premiered in brussels in 1939 in the ’ Institut Nationale de Radio-diffusion Belge ’ conducted by franz andré.

the ensemble has been broadcast and interviewed on flemish classical radio KLARA and dutch RADIO 4. norwegian composer hugo harmens (2010) and belgian composers wim henderickx (2012), jeroen malaise (2015) and wilfried westerlinck (2016) dedicated new compositions to zvezdoliki. in 2013, Z V E Z D O L I K I organised ‘noot voor nood’, a major charity project for the homeless in antwerp, which had a very successful second edition in 2016, with a performance of piazzolla’s tango-operita ‘marìa de buenos aires’ in the magnificent bourlaschouwburg., with support of antwerp district.

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